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X-Forest Umag Adventure Park – adrenaline at its max!

X-Forest, an adventure park occupying more than 10 hectares of intact nature, is a true oasis of fun and excitement for people of all ages. Its friendly professional staff will do their best to make sure you have a pleasant visit, and a whole array of activities promises an adrenaline-filled adventure.
Mini paintball is among the most popular activities in the park. It is a tactical game that combines thrilling combats with teamwork. True adventurers can try their hand at archery: professional instructors will help you develop precise target shooting skills and you’ll feel like a knight from a fairy-tale. If you’re a fan of tactical challenges, airsoft duel is a great choice. It simulates military operations with the use of replicas of real firearms, only with plastic pellets. The fields in X-Forest provide a realistic setting for this game. Battle Archery is a combination of paintball and archery. The opposing teams use soft arrows, which makes this fun and unique game completely safe. If you’re looking for a totally different experience, axe throwing is your thing! Trying to master the target under the watchful eye of instructors will make you feel like a true Viking. And lastly, human table football with players competing as live figures on a magnified field guarantees a lot of laughter and fun.
This adventure park vouches a perfect match of exciting experiences and amazing natural settings and is a must-visit destination for all thrill seekers. Step into X-Forest for an unforgettable adventure!
Working hours
  • Monday - Sunday: 13 - 20

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