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The Grape Days in Buje

The Grape Days in Buje is one of the biggest and most popular events in the area. It takes place in mid-September every year and attracts both locals and tourists from all over the world.
The flavours of Istria: tasting of wine, olive oil, cheese and other local produce
The Grape Days are all about nurturing the years-long tradition and celebrating Croatia’s winegrowing and winemaking culture. For the ultimate experience of everything this part of Istria has to offer, during the three-day festival visitors can enjoy numerous events and activities, such as a horse parade, grape harvests, preparation of authentic specialities, and traditional dances.
Wine tasting and evaluation is one of the main events at the Grape Days. An expert jury rates wines from the Buje area, but also from other parts of Croatia. This 43-year-old tradition was started with the aim of promoting the winemaking culture. The jury members share their knowledge and expertise with the visitors, offering them an unforgettable experience and an opportunity to learn more about wines, grape varieties and wine production.
The Grape Days are also a great chance to explore the impressive and diverse Istrian culture, and spend a memorable weekend with your loved ones. Visit Buje and enjoy the delicious fruits of the labour of its winemakers and food producers.
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